Tag: Hiring

The Archer's Mindset
Decision Making

Adopt an Archer’s Mindset to Improve Sales ROI

An Archer’s Mindset would not accept as normal 77% of the arrows not hitting the bullseye of high-performance. Why have executives accepted this inefficiency in the deployment of sales talent when they would be unwilling to do so in any other part of their business?

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Accurately predict individual sales performance. Pre-hire.

Bias Eraser #8: The Primacy & Recency Effects

This is a great blog by our friend Dr. Greg Barnett. In an attempt to create better, more inclusive hiring practices, we want to share his ideas regarding bias in the hiring process. Understanding the Primacy and Regency Effects (and using great HRTech like PerceptionPredict), will help hire better, find talent, and grow revenues. ~Brandon Kinsey

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Change Management

Under Pressure? Why we choke and how to avoid it

On the football field, we called rising under pressure being a “gamer”. We had a word when it didn’t happen either. It was called “Choking”. It’s one of the worst things you can tell your performers…..It’s devastating.

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In the Competition for Talent, Are you Making Quality Hires?

Article from Hunt Scanlon by Scott Scanlon The struggle over talent? The great Lou Holtz once said, “Talent determines what you can do.” But…. With regard to business, how does what you do determine what talent you need?  How do you ensure your hiring managers are hiring talent that fits what you do?Can you align this talent to your mission?  Can you effectively manage and motivate these hires to keep them? Do you understand why they behave at work as they do? How can make them more a part of the team? Can you predict their performance? All tough questions

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