Category: Hiring

Kinsey MGMT, management, hiring

8 tips for hiring the best talent for your business

Your biggest asset (and liability for that matter) is your staff. They can launch your business to heights you would have never thought possible or burn it to the ground if you’re not careful. The best thing you can do for your company is to attract stellar talent. However, it’s easier said than done. So, how does a business hire the best employees? Know your target market Just like with attracting your ideal customers, you need to know what qualities your ideal employees possess. If you are looking for an extroverted friendly sales staff, what would attract them to apply

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The impact of technology on job searching

Technological advances have impacted every segment of society, including the process of looking for employment. Rather than spending hours thumbing through classified ads, job seekers now are able to use social media and job sites to not only look for jobs but also narrow their searches down to specific industries or even companies. The internet has also made it easier for job seekers to put themselves out there, showcasing their own resumes and skills. Technology has not only made it easier for job seekers to find job advertisements, but job seekers can now – through personal branding – more easily

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