With technology and AI rapidly changing business and consumerism daily, some leaders feel the need to change for the sake of change. Change is stressful. By understanding your people using Talent Optimization from The Predictive Index, help your organization and it’s people to cope with organizational change.
Change: Blasting off or getting left behind?
Many business leaders are feeling to pressure to leverage technology and AI to keep up with the Jones’. But is this healthy for your customers and people? According to Entrepreneur.com, maybe not. In this months issue, CEO Steve Smith of GeoComfort Geothermal Systems, reminds us that leaders must stay true themselves by leveraging old-fashion approaches of being inclusive of outside ideas, listening to your customers, and most importantly, empowering and equipping your people to handle change!
How can The Predictive Index and Talent Optimization help you manage change?
Socrates taught that the secret to managing change was not to focus your energy fighting for the old, but rather building on the new. Kinsey Management helps our clients navigate change by leveraging the power of The Predictive Index’s ability to easily and accurately uncover what drives your people and determine how fast they can learn and adapt to change. With a suite of management tools, we transfer our workplace behavior and organizational design knowledge to help leaders prepare their organization for change, coach the people gaps, and maximize their talent efficiently. Today’s workplace is too dynamic to use methods and tools that aren’t scalable and easy to implement. Because of this, our cloud based platform and helps leaders make quicker more informed decisions on organizational design, hiring best fits, inspiring leadership & engagement, and measuring people efficiency. All in one easy and agile dashboard of tools.
Can you coach and develop people during change?
Leaders know great things never come in the comfort zone. However, not all people are wired to seek and handle change effectively. Some individuals are driven by the desire for routine, process, and stability. This is good and you need these people. But as markets and workplaces rapidly change, leaders must coach and manage through these times. To do so, you need accurate and agile tools to engage and communicate with your people effectively. Mr. Smith mentions how Australian based Atlassian, has increased increased engagement by allowing time for personal development. With The Predictive Index and its series of talent and behavior solutions, we train leaders how engage directly with their people to develop them. By using the behavior based metrics and management guides, managers become leaders who can both manage the role and inspire the individual.
Let Kinsey Management help you with your business challenges!
Business change, organizational challenge, and people management are sticky and take leaders focus away from the business plan and it’s desired results. Kinsey Management helps leaders with agile, easy, and accurate methods to manage change and people. As Steve Smith describes, “Don’t rely on your own brain alone to drive change, when you have unlimited access to new (and maybe even better) ideas.”
As a Co-Founder of Kinsey Management, Brandon is a Certified Partner of The Predictive Index in Houston, Texas. Brandon’s experience lies in coaching, leadership, team building, and strategic planning. With a social science and leadership background, Brandon has 17 years of experience coaching individuals and teams, building strategic plans, and achieving results.