Category: COVID-19

Managing a hybrid team

Tackle hybrid work with confidence.

The year 2020 forever changed the way people think about work as the world learned how productivity
can be maintained and even enhanced when the workforce is remote. Remote work allows employers and
employees alike greater flexibility, from opening up the talent pool, to gaining more time in the week with the
absence of a commute. The popularity of remote work is here to stay, leading to an increase of managers
overseeing hybrid teams; a mix of people in an office and working remotely. As some employees return to
the office, the idea of managing a hybrid team can feel like a daunting task. The good news is that it doesn’t
have to be.

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Change Management

Under Pressure? Why we choke and how to avoid it

On the football field, we called rising under pressure being a “gamer”. We had a word when it didn’t happen either. It was called “Choking”. It’s one of the worst things you can tell your performers…..It’s devastating.

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Change Management

Making the Shift: Tips for Successfully Migrating to a Remote Workforce

In just a matter of days, many companies were finding the need to immediately implement a remote work force as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. You may have found yourself floundering, wondering how you would be able to successfully put a plan into action, while your team on the front lines was questioning how and if they would be able to make the shift. Working remotely isn’t something new. In fact, recent statistics site that 25-35 million work from home at least one day a week.  But the current state of affairs is causing organizations to require more individuals

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