Category: Change Management

Best Practices

Having your cake and eating it: When do you need a new structure to execute in the new normal?

If your company underwent drastic changes in its strategy or operating model during the past 2 years, you are not alone. Back in 2020, garment companies started to produce face masks, and appliance manufacturers churned out respirators. Not every CEO made such dramatic shifts in their operations, but many of us needed to re-orient our goals and execution to survive and thrive. In addition, some sectors have experienced fundamental shifts accelerated by the pandemic and are most likely permanent. For example, mall operators have seen a radical shift in consumer behavior relative to in-person shopping; car manufacturers are facing a

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Balanced Metrics

When It comes to Metrics, Less is More

“In a crisis, metrics suddenly become a rare and precious commodity. Under pressure and faced with greater uncertainty, executives need data to manage risk; without the right metrics, they are forced to make decisions based on incomplete information.”

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Dysfunctional teams: The 5 characteristics

Dysfunction is often about an absence of trust, or an avoidance of accountability. To prevent dysfunction in teams, you need an understanding of the “where” and the “why,” in addition to the more obvious “who.” 

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